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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2013 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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to make our program understandable. it give us the feeling of accomplishment because it's very important reasoning that's why i want to serve for another term >> this is your second term or how many terms and a i've served on it for i think it's 4 years now uh-huh. >> supervisor cowen. >> i was wondering are there any men on this committee. >> pardon. >> are there any me up. >> no. >> i was attacked one day by someone who said there are no men that's because we've begged men to come we meet in the morning and men don't want to
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want to be on this committee the men in the morning want to play golf. they've all said no, we don't want to and someone else said well, you have no color. i have idea when this committee almost exploded in 20034 when everybody on the committee quit and i was ready to quit and john said i expect you to quit and i said i've put in seven years already then our ballot handbook will look like the states which is biased in any aspects and i went to every single group and begged them to come up with people to serve on this committee. they all know we want people of
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color and men but this is a very concentrated go up. on the committee of women we're work hours if you need something done give it to a woman and that's because i asked for it. look there's jim lazarus >> i thought occupier coming up to volunteer for this. any other questions >> now good to see you intend for being here. >> any other public comments for this item? >> seeing none, none. >> no. >> seeing none, none. >> none. this public comment is closed. so is there any other thoughts
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about n this that is >> i say we sent occupying all 3 recommendations and move them forward. >> good. we have the seats. yeah, all 3. okay. so is there a second for that motion >> i make a motion we fill the seats with jean and seat two with betty and the third with the third lady and the motion is move forward. >> thank you very much for your willingness to serve and keep on making it simple. madam clerk can you call item number 5. term ending 2018 to the police commission there's one seat and
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two applicants >> okay. i believe the candidates are here mr. frank are you here? >> good afternoon supervisors. i'm a retired city paramedic worked 25 years in the streets of san francisco and 8 years before that in the streets of new york. we i want to put one little notation i want to thank the folks on the committee when i came here from new york i was flabbergasted. i was one of the first paramedics created trained out of nothing they made us out of clay in new york and we were made teachers to train others i
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remained a teacher and a mentor and instructor both working and bringing other paramedics into the field. i also started doing union work in new york for safety. when i came in here i guess it was a slippery slope and i went back both that work in this context i have represented paramedics in every level paramedics who were i thought right and paramedics who i thought were wrong i put united states emphasis open making sure the people got due process and that's the key in terms of
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issues that i was elected president of our local and formed the negotiating committee to create the conditions of working at the fire department and i wrote the contract and with a lot of help and that's what i'm saying i created a committee of people to work on that and it was a major task and a large group of people worked together well. i have some experience in that context working with other folks to build something it's different you then being a paramedic which is quick and out of there. that's pretty much my qualifications. i worked shoulder to shoulder
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with the police department and yet on the other side i've already been in opposition to the state. i remember when the first iraq war took place i get off my job and tackle off my your own and get to the cops that were wearing shields and it was a weird position but that's been my position my whole life. i heard there were big problems with the occupy movement and the police i realize i have a unique prospective on that >> any questions. >> had your hello there mr. frank. >> hi and this is the first opportunity i have a question.
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do you regularly attend police commission meeting >> never been. >> so how do you know i want to be on the police commission. >> i look at what the police commission side and i have a lot of experience dealing with disciplinarian issues. >> supervisor breed. >> thank you. i notice that in this application you signed you knew you were coming before the rules committee i realize n this is a sixth appointment by the board of supervisors and it actually, you haven't reached out to any of our offices to talk with us about your qualifications in person and i was wondering is there a reason you didn't do that
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>> i've not been avoiding it. >> did you have a chance to review what the procedures are? >> not he really i looked at the website and went over the rules and regulations of the commission and department by you certainly experience no hurdles it's been very - ms. wong has been helpful. >> can you talk about your concerns about occupy and my concerns were straightforward. the media and this may be completely inaccurate indicated the department was going to confront the individual officers. i've been involved with crowd
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control for more than 25 years for the same thing was true 90 in new york. i think the police departments everywhere are going at it in a poor manner crowd control is a poor concept. it's unanimous with swat. and if you go about that to go after individuals officers is fruitless >> can you talk about some of the things in terms of disciplinarian measures.
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>> i've taken arbitration to the top level. >> yeah. >> many of them were situations where i in and out the paramedic was dead wrong and from the very beginning i tried to hold managements meeting feet to to the fire in terms of due process base when someone is wrong and needs to get into another kind of work if i don't do due from those they come back and management doesn't understand the pressures that the paramedics and officers deal with in the field. >> i'm trying to understand the work you did and the experience you have as it relates to a new approach to crowd control as something else o someone who previously worked for the fire department that's not
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necessarily what you had to deal with in the capacity of a police officer. so can you tell me how those connect and how you would facilitate that process >> i don't call myself an expert but i know what don't work. i've been in the same riots shoulder to shoulder with the police pr i know your treating a crowd - when things get out of control there are ways to its like surfing then putting up 0 dam. a different kind of psychiatrist has to set in or it creates a violence >> okay. thank you. >> what would you do to help increase the number of active
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duty officers in san francisco? >> i'm not sure we need more active duty officers i haven't looked at the issue. >> how do i plan to address the issue of civilianization of the police department in assuring that more of our officers are walking the beat then doing desk work and i believe in the doing of the police department. the community lovers >> let me restate the question it sounds way off your answer. there's how do you feel about having more civilians doing clerical work at police stations
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so that more uniform officers can be out on the street? >> i'm going to answer that as a 25 year civil servant. on the one hand why do you want to have someone whose trained to be an officer doing a desk job. but creating positions for police officers they're out of the from a for awhile and if someone wants to make a career of being a clerk they shouldn't be a police. there is some room in the department for police officers to do desk reasoning >> all right. >> and thank you for considering the application. >> uh-huh.
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and giving me a second here. i'm going to ask all the candidates first before public comments. thank you. next candidate would be ms. jose. >> jose thank you. supervisors i i am an attorney i was appointed to take over gail smith i smith job i have one full term on the police commission. we've had many significant
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mrishths we evaluated 32 stations and we had many meetings we met with the community and community members and fought like crazy to get 32 of those representations implemented. also when i started with the police commission we had a racial profile study that was going on in san francisco i'm proud of accomplishing that i've done a lot of things on the commission. i i understand the time commitment it's not attend once a week meetings but on our own time we hear disciplinary meetings we take time off our
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regular work schedules and do those that last up to four or five days. i've been at commission meetings that last up to midnight. i want to thank this meeting i'm an attorney in oakland i do toxic litigation, however, this last year i had a case in los angeles and i was in los angeles for 6 weeks. it's kind of abnormal. i live in oakland. i'm a native san francisco and went went to haftings. i have been at the public defender's office.
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some of the things i'll like to see through is one of the things supervisor yee was talking about civilianization is something we struggle with forever on the department and i understand when you have an over trained highly trained and a lot of money has been pit into that office stuck at a desk we need to have that balance we can have the officers out in the street. i know the sanctuary policy in terms of publicizing to the community. i'd like to work with the commissions and get that policy
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publishized to the community. i'm working with the did that - well, i'm meeting with the chief to introduce a program that harvard's doing with the african religion that are practiced in terms of making a bridge between the religion practices for a model for the rest of the country to follow. and i've been concerned about how many officers we have in terms of san francisco continuing to grow in population but we don't add the services we need to think about the number we have is the right number we
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have not only on 0 daily basis but any emergencies that come on. thank you >> thank you any questions. >> supervisor breed. >> thank you so much for coming before us today. i just wanted to know a spectacular question this is a really important appointment and i haven't received any contact from you and was wondering you are familiar with the office >> i've - i want to apologize to you i didn't realize it was going to be on the 11th and fifth. i stopped by your office to get american people appointment and i got a card i thought i would be able to look at your phone
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number by you did reach out to the specifies and try to understand their concerns i'm happy to meet with you in the future >> it's just usually for something that's important like the police commission public safety is a priority for me and know you have been on the commission since 2005 and since then there hadn't burning been any academy classes can you tell me what you've done to try to push for additional police officers to make sure we have the appropriate number in the straights month in order to implement police. >> my first term on the commission we had five or six academy classes. i refused to knowledge the
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budget and for the police department on the grounds they didn't have any classes on the last go around with the chief police i kept pushing him we neat more officers and apparently that academy class came in through. that's something i'm a siren on we're very top-heavy we're losing officer and it takes 2 to 3 years to get a police officer in the field. i want more classes for the police officers. >> and can you tell me you've mentioned the reasoning around police. can you give me more details and
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what police means to you >> one of the times on the police commission there was armed robberies in a contingent i live near. we attended the meeting with the champion and the chief of police and we were able to talk the chief into for the time being while the robberies were going on to put more personnel into that crime area. that maids the mentors and community feel safer. i think when the chief came in on he brought in the realtime status so you can see where the crime is happening so you can shift folks where i need them. it takes care of this community that's in need at that moment
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pea that's been successful. i forgot what it's called by it's realtime statistics >> yeah. >> that hadn't worked but we did that before asking for more police services while that crime spree was going on. >> i know when i was at a community meeting last time people were complaining again crime and i asked him if they reported them and they said no. so even if people thinks it is a small crime we have to make sure we have the adequate services for police support >> one of the things we've gone to a lot of committee meetings
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but getting the word out and that's the bay view and the spanish speaking and the indoctrinated folks we need to know where the crime is it doesn't matter i need to report it and my final question is what are some of the things we need to improve the department overall. >> well, one of them is technology. it's been on ongoing issue the pink slip was your e-mail. officers didn't have he telephones in the streets and in order to have an interpreter on the scene they had to borrow a cell phone. so the technology is important. civilianization is also important we have many officers being paid sitting behind the
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desk and they need to be on the streets. but the people who are healthy andable should be on the street. i think the cohesive has done a great job but the discipline committee we've got a backlog. when i was on the department we brought in the early interference system and there were a lot of police brutal claims but we want to target the police officers early so they can he get counseling and special services so they don't end up on the other end of the
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police complaints. >> hold on a second. first of all, i want to acknowledging supervisor campos who's been sitting there patiently. first of all, i want to appreciate your orchestra work for the last five or six years. conducting 2 researches for our chief. i also want to thank you for creating really a general order of the language access that is so important in this city to make sure that people that are limited english speakers will get the same services and understanding what their rights are >> thank you. >> the question you answered many of my questions already just from our presentation.
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but what's your view on the issue of diversity in sort of the command stuff among station captains and if you think there's a lack what would you do to address that? >> diversity is an issue i'm aware of. the chief did a good job of bringing people in i think when the captain exam came in there were african-americans who were brought in but terms of the testing what kind of testing procedures are they using for the impact. how is it devised. are there not native speakers
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that have we haven't had that in the while there was a concern but i haven't had a major concern under the chief he's good about the balance but i look out for it and when they have those exams i try to see what's going on. in terms of testing they come in and take those tests but i know they have a special need in a special community i can he move the person ahead of the test score to fill that position in that community >> thank you. any other questions from the specifies and a seeing none. thank you very much >> at this moment any public comments for this item?
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>> please come on up you have two minutes to speak. >> thank you good afternoon supervisors. my name is joe relying i didn't i'm a retired lieutenant from the san francisco police department i served as the commission secretary for 6 years 2004 to about 2010 when supervisor campos was a commissioner at that time. i first meet the commissioner when she came on the commission. many of the points have been aired and in the interest of time i know it's precious. i would urge the commission - the committee to consider commissioner jose appointment. she was